How to Feed Your Dog for a Long Life

TruHealth by Kasara
10 min readOct 28, 2020
James & Yogi

The recent pet food scare has sent many people into health food stores trying to find some decent food for their dogs. Also, many pets are trying to overcome illnesses of all kinds. I have had the pleasure of nurturing and fostering many dogs, am educated as a Traditional Naturopath, and have much experience working with natural health and herbs for the past 30 years. This is intended to give you some proven options to help your pet positively.

Dog Health

First, dogs have unique body systems, different from humans, horses, and other animals. It is important to learn about your animal as much as possible or talk to someone who understands this so you can use this information for your dog’s benefit. Some foods are ok for humans that are not good for dogs and certain herbs or nutrients should not be given to dogs. Because of space, I don’t have room to go through all of these, but they mostly can be looked up in popular pet health books or the internet. This is my favorite pet health book that has many helpful guidelines that actually work and is affordable for most people.

Raw Food/Enzymes

It is optimal to give your dog quality raw meats, and raw veggies. It is an animal. If you feed “dead food” to your pets, you are neglecting the enzymes and nutrients that naturally occur in raw foods. Wild dogs do not…



TruHealth by Kasara
TruHealth by Kasara

Written by TruHealth by Kasara

TruHealth — educating people on natural health options since 1993.

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